Tarefas em falha

As tarefas com falha não expiram para permitir adicioná-las novamente à fila sem qualquer pressão.. Você pode adicioná-las de volta à fila, excluí-las manualmente ou aplicar o atributo AutomaticRetry(OnAttemptsExceeded = AttemptsExceededAction.Delete) para removê-las automaticamente..
Id Tarefa Falhas
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Fechar detalhes
08/10/2024 21:33:19
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 21:01:29
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 20:31:22
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 19:27:22
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 19:08:48
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 18:19:52
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 17:47:45
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 17:21:54
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 17:09:06
An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abrir detalhes
08/10/2024 17:03:19